Harding Academy is now in its thirteenth year of hosting the summer program
Time to Rise. Time to Rise is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping third to sixth grader students to bridge academic learning through the summer in order to best enable each student to reach their full potential. The Time to Rise staff at Harding consists of faculty and counselors from the Harding community. Several members of the Harding faculty are enrolled to teach STEM, reading, civics, and communications. Counselors for the program are Harding graduates and graduates of Time To Rise.
Harding hosts rising third, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders from public schools across Nashville for the entire
month of June. It is the largest of the four sites that include Ensworth, Montgomery Bell Academy, and Harpeth Hall. Time to Rise students work hard in the mornings and play hard in the afternoons. Students attend academic classes from 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM. Afternoon activities include swimming, art, technology, sports, and field trips to the zoo, bowling, museums and Cheekwood. At the end of the month, the program concludes with a formal banquet for all of the children and their families.